Câmera Punk Di-SK8

Blitz Camera is one of the projects that is part of Spcine Game, the game incubator of Spcine, a public company linked to the Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo. It's a photography and parkour game set in an open (and small) world for PC. Assume the role of a cash-strapped photographer who wants to buy better equipment and pay for his trip to La Playa Grande. To do this, he'll need to take freelance photography gigs. Explore the city armed with your camera and parkour skills. Take photos freely, but pay attention to the film, as the number of photos is limited.

I was part of the initial programming team that successfully developed a prototype for the Camera Punk Di-SK8 project, selected in Notice No. 06/2020/SPCine - 2020 Game Production Notice - Seed Money.

I was responsible for creating the photography mechanics, implementing NPCs (non-playable characters), designing and implementing the user interface (UI) and pause menu, and creating smooth transitions between third-person and first-person perspectives.

Technologies used

The Unity engine was used with C#.


Was developed for Desktop.